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Griffyn Free Concert Launch

Remember not to miss The Griffyn Ensemble’s free Gala, celebrating our 5th Birthday/2012 Season/CD Launch/End of Year all at once! It’s on Saturday the 17th of December, 5pm at Belconnen Arts Centre!


We have been working the nightshifts finishing production on our first CD Illicit Passions, featuring music that we have performed over the last couple of years by George Gershwin, Sting, John Corigliano/Bob Dylan, Henry Cowell, Burt Bacharach, Astor Piazzolla, Griffyn composer Michael Sollis, and others. 




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  • Response
    Launching free concerts for promoting the new voices is excellent plan. People joined such shows in bulk amount. Because youth is becoming more passionate about such things. And they can find out quite great time for enjoying such things and they never miss them.
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